CV Highlights
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Professional ​
I am currently an Associate Professor, Academic General Faculty, in Computer Science at the University of Virginia. The Academic General Faculty part means that I am teaching-track versus tenure-track. I received my PhD in Human Centered Computing at Georgia Tech, working under Mark Guzdial. I have been a college faculty member for 20 years; previously, I was a software engineer at IBM.
My research interests include determining when, if, and how educational psychology principles can be applied within computing, specifically to learning programming. I also work on broadening participation in computing efforts and preparing teachers to bring computing into their classrooms.
I was awarded UNO Alumni IS&T Teacher of the Year 2021.
University of Virginia
​August, 2021 - present
​Associate Professor, Computer Science Department
Director of the Computing Education Center. Instructor for classes up to 250 students, and part of teams for classes of over 800 students.
University of Nebraska Omaha
​August, 2016 - August, 2021
​Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department
Conducted user studies on learning gains from teachers and students using eBooks to learn programming. Developed assessments and end of chapters questions.
Georgia Institute of Technology
​August, 2011 - August, 2016
​Graduate Research Assistant
Conducted user studies on learning gains from teachers and students using eBooks to learn programming. Developed assessments and end of chapters questions.
Kennesaw State University
​January, 2015 - May, 2015
​Assistant Professor, Software Engineering and Computer Game Design and Development Department
Kennesaw State and Southern Polytechnic were officially merged in January of 2015. During the 2015-2016 academic year, I officially took a leave of absence to finish defending my dissertation.
Southern Polytechnic State University
​January, 1996 - December, 2014
​Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department
During this time I also served as the Secretary to the Senate, Computer Science and Software Engineering Undergraduate Coordinator, and lead on multiple ABET self-study teams.
​July, 1987 - December, 1994
​Staff Programmer
Product development through complete software lifecycle on a large scale manufacturing application. Lead educator for IBM internal developers for object-oriented programming and development tools. Final position was product support team lead.
Georgia Institute of Technology
​August, 2016
PhD, Human Centered Computing
​Dissertation: Computer Science is Different: Applying Educational Psychology Principles to Learning Programming
Advisor: Mark Guzdial
Notable Awards: Foley Scholar Finalist (2015)
Southern Polytechnic State University
M.S., Computer Science
​June, 1995
​Project: Designing a Suite of Laboratory Experiences for an Introductory Course in Programming
Tulane University
B.S.E., cum laude, Computer Engineering
​May, 1987