EngageCSEdu co-Editor-in-Chief
Dr. Michelle Craig of the University of Toronto and Dr. Morrison are co-Editors-in-Chief of EngageCSEdu, an open-access collection of introductory computing material that provides excellent examples and resources for creating an inclusive, engaging experience for all students by using materials that build community, are personally relevant to students and improve student self-confidence. The platform, originally created by NCWIT and Google, is now wholly owned by ACM and is a special project of the ACM Education Board. The platform functions like a journal to allow teaching-stream and other faculty to publish their creative scholarship that takes the form of assignments, projects, and labs.

GenCyber Camps
Dr. Morrison is a co-PI on the yearly GenCyber camps put on by UNO since 2017. She has led teacher camps and developed curriculum for student camps. The camps are offered, free of cost, to area middle school girls to explore the area of Cybersecurity while having fun. Sample schedule and other pictures from the camps can be found to the left.

ACM SIGCSE Historian
Dr. Morrison is the current ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) Historian. This position is appointed by the SIGCSE Board. The position came about based on Dr. Morrison's work during her tenure on the SIGCSE Board which coincided with the 50th year anniversary of the organization. For the anniversary, Dr. Morrison developed blog posts recapping the events for each of the 50 years of the organization. Since then she has continued to document the events of the organization and is working on incorporating pictures from the past into the website.

Dr. Morrison is co-PI on the NSF RET Grant Wearable Research for Inservice STEM Teachers (WRIST) (NSF 1711386, 2017-2021) which allowed area high school teachers to experience a research project and bring knowledge back into the classroom. Three summer co-horts of teachers participated, each experiencing a research project and developing an instructional lesson for the classroom.

Google CS4MS CT Bins in a Box Roadshow
Dr. Morrison was a co-PI on a Google grant to create multiple sets of Computational Thinking Bins for all of the Educational Service Units in Nebraska and to go and conduct outreach with the bins. Examples of these bins can be found within the pictures to the left.